Startup Services

Why us?

VAIRIX was born as a startup so we know the feeling of starting something from scratch. Only entrepreneurs know about the challenges that arise from new ideas and the anxiety and doubts they awaken.


If you are an entrepreneur you can contact us, tell us your idea and we can do an assessment of it from a technical point of view. With this information we can offer the right service for you.

The above diagram shows how we reduce the uncertainty when you go from left to right (Can you see the cone at the background?). So, if you ask for a quote before the post brainstorm stage, our estimations will have a bigger margin of error than if you ask for it in the following stages. In addition to this, our workflow lets entrepreneurs feel completely free to continue with or without VAIRIX.

We want to work side by side in your entrepreneurship through all the phases, but we do not want you to feel tied down by us.

Even though we would like to work with you forever, you can leave us after any stage; you can do the workshop, or the workshop and test the idea in the market with us; or just test it with somebody else and later come back to develop the final product with us.

Services for each level

PostBrainstorm level:

"for those who have only the idea and can't pinpoint the characteristics of the software they need..."
  • Inception workshop: this is an efficient way to clarify and shape the product solution, get all the project stakeholders on the same page and inspire the team. It's a short, remote or in-person workshop (~ one week) that is consistently tailored to the attendee's characteristics. The outcomes of this workshop are:
  • a list of business goals and risks
  • prioritized list of software functionalities
  • roles and main flow mockups
  • list of the skills which the software provider must possess
  • list of negotiable/non-negotiable items

PreValidation level:

"for entrepreneurs who know exactly what to test, how to measure it and what to learn about it..."
  • Creation of landing pages to test the feasibility of the idea (analyzing access logs, subscriptions, keywords, etc)
  • Prototype development on wireframes to envision the future product and make quick changes to it.
  • Minimum Viable Product (MVP) development as a way to get out quickly to the market, get feedback and position itself.
  • All of these services are accompanied by continuous advice on broadcast and feedback techniques, showing pros and cons of each one, and adopting those that are most suitable for your entrepreneurship.

PostValidation level:

"for those who are ready to build their final product..."
  • Full software development, delivering potentially shippable increments on the product every two weeks.
  • Development in Ruby on Rails and related technologies.
  • Use of Scrum to manage the team (full-stack developers) and the project.
  • Deployment and adaptive/corrective maintenance in addition to software development.

What if my startup is about software development?

If software development is your business, we can also help you with coaching and advisory in different areas. We can advise you on developing methodologies, and train your team in agile practices and specific technologies. We can also meet with managers to talk about contracts or other business areas.

  • Advisory en software development methodologies based on capabilities of your teams, the kinds of projects you face and your technological knowledge level.
  • Training on agile practices and group activities.
  • Technical talks about the technologies mastered by us.
  • Managerial talks about types of contracts and business strategies.

You can think of VAIRIX as a software development startup "running in the wild"


Ready to get started?
Use the form or give us a call to meet our team and discuss your project and business goals.
We can’t wait to meet you!

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